Saturday, February 19, 2011

Three Weeks Down

It is amazing to me that it was a little over 3 weeks ago that we found out about Brooklyn's leukemia. I feel like it has been at least 3 months. Our lives have changed so much. We have to think about so much more than we used to - from germs to blood counts to medications to food! Brooklyn's blood counts were great Thursday which meant that she didn't have to get blood on Friday! We were very excited that all she would need was her chemo on Friday. Mike and I were saying to eachother that it is so weird that we are even saying - "oh great, she only needs chemo." Thursday night was rough though, she felt terrible & didn't know why. Her stomach was very upset and we were up pretty much all night. Chemo went fine, but she was very tired & not in a happy mood. We got a really cool thing from the infusion lab - it is called Beads of Courage. It is a string that has her name spelled out in beads and then you get to add a different color or kind of bead based on what procedure you are having done - spinal tap, chemo, blood transfusion, courage etc. It is a really neat program that gives each kid a tangible item that kind of tells their story of their treatment process. It is funny the things that I am learning to appreciate now - when all 6 of us are sitting at the dinner table together, playing a game together, when Brooklyn feels good enough to play in the driveway. I know I took just everyday things like that for granted before this experience. I have definitely always been a multi-tasker and it is difficult for me to slow down. I know that through Brooklyn's illness, I am learning to live life at a slower pace and that it will be an advantage to all of our children as they are growing up. I am learning to be a more present, more patient, more humble mom, and for that I am grateful.


  1. I love your spirit Kristen. Your family is going to be stronger than you ever even dreamed. I'll pray for your continued strength and of course for Brooklyn too.

  2. Hi Kristin,

    I just got caught up on all your blogs and signed up for the email notification, so I can keep up with Brooklyn's progress.

    Your strength, insight, and optimism are so inspiring. I've always thought of you as a very positive person. The "God won't give us more than we can handle" comment that your hubby made was the first thing that popped into my head when I first heard about Brooklyn. You are a strong person! I will pray for your strength to continue throughout Brooklyn's treatment. I pray that Brooklyn has more good days than bad in her future. She is lucky to have her daddy, mommy, brother, and sisters loving and supporting her through this journey.

    You are all in my thoughts and prayers,

  3. It's very true about taking things for granted. We all do it. We become so wrapped up in life. I do my best to thank God even when times are they best they can be.
    It's stopping in the moment and realizing that certain things can wait. Kids and Family can't =). Hugs to Brooklyn and Family!


  4. Always nice to read the good news of the blood count and yet the roller coaster of emotions with a rough evening later... Yet we know He is with you every step of the way.

    What a cool thing that Beads of Courage is! Brooklyn has been such a courageous little girl throughout these three weeks, that feels like three months.

    Hang in there, and yes, keep enjoying and appreciating all the beauty in the simple things in life that we all take for granted, especially family time as you and Joan have said.
    Blessings to your entire family.
