Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Good ol' Boy Scouts

I will be the first to say that I am a big girl scout cookie fan, they even have that ice cream now with girl scout cookies in it. I even was a girl scout for a few years when I was little. But, crazily enough, I think as moms, we can identify with the Boy Scout motto - Be Prepared. Why do I know that's the boy scout motto? I don't know, but for some reason I do! If you think about it, you make sure your diaper bag is packed with diapers, wipes, ointment, snacks, toys, bandaids, anything that you might need - just in case. Whenever we go on long car trips, I even make sure that we have plastic bags in the car, just in case someone all of a sudden feels sick, because you know it is not fun to ride in a car with the smell of throw up! Now I am living my days making sure that I am prepared with the food that Brooklyn might want at any hour of the day! I blew it yesterday and was of pancakes when she woke up at midnight. And although I tried to convince her that frozen waffles would be delicious, there is really no reasoning with a two year old on steroids. So, we were up and I made an awesome batch of pancakes for her. :)  She followed those up with Cheetos and then some pizza of course. I was thrilled to go back to bed a little before 2:00am. She didn't feel good again today. One would think it was from the midnight snacking, but I think what it really is is after a month of so much poking and prodding and drugs and yuckiness, it is all just catching up with her. It makes me sad, but when she is feeling really bad, she just wants to go lay in her bed. It's like she can't get comfortable enough on the couch, & she just needs to curl up under her covers. I know it is good for her to rest, but I hate the fact that she is feeling so bad. We did go outside for a little while today to enjoy the sunshine, but she has a hard time getting comfortable; she doesn't want to walk or sit on a chair or on the ground. She enjoyed petting the neighbor's dog for a few minutes, so that was fun. I think as a mom, the hard part of this whole process is that you can't really be prepared for how she is going to feel because you never know how that will be. It's all new, and everyone reacts differently to the cancer and to the medication, so it is hard to "be prepared" when what is wrong with her is something that I can't fix. We had a pretty good day even though she didn't feel well. She had the medicine put in her lines, so tomorrow she should be able to have her blood drawn. Hopefully we will all sleep well tonight...but I do have some extra pancakes and pizza on hand just in case.


  1. Hello my beautiful Kristin, my heart aches for you, Momma, and boy do I hear you: CANCER SUCKS! It is so hard to see via your photos, and hear via your blog, that our precious Brookie is feeling worse. We all knew that would likely happen...but because we are not LIVING it DAILY, as you all is still some sort of a bad dream, very very unreal. As Gramma Diane said, just ten days before diagnosis Brookie was running laps around everyone at Brian's 40th!

    One of the hardest things about being a Mom is that as our kids grow up, we have to let them endure and overcome all the bumps, bruses,hurt feelings,failures and misunderstandings that make up the reality of life. But for HEAVEN'S SAKE...we Moms at least hope to be able to protect our BABIES, our TODDLERS, our little ones! I know you want to comfort your Brookie, I know you would take this on yourself if only it was yours to take on...

    We are all learning from little Brooklyn.

    Yesterday, while driving to my sister's (a 2 hour drive) I was thinking about you guys and Brooklyn...and I felt so ANGRY and FRUSTRATED and UPSET! I knew it was a moment when I needed to get in touch with my FAITH...and I did...and I felt comfort. But oh my, sometimes it is hard and it requires GREAT EFFORT! and sometimes you are just tired! and we wish it would just GO AWAY in spite of the eternal and priceless lessons we are all learning from Brookyn's journey.

    The love that is holding your family up is astounding, it is INFINITE!

    My wish for every sick child is that he or she will feel such love.

    I love you all! Kathy

  2. p.s. Oh dear, two typo's in previous comment...I need to figure out how to correct my comments while previewing them...

  3. You are quite A TROOPER Kristin and so is Brooklyn! You are one prepared trooper, actually, a loving, caring, mother really.

    Pancakes, cheetos, pizza....for the "Midnight Owl Special"... Sorry about that Kristin.
    Sounds like the "breakfast of champions" though because Brooklyn is such a CHAMPION! A CHAMPION with the "permanent orange fingers"... (:

    Yes, I will pray as well for some good nights sleep for you and healing rest for Brooklyn.
