Sunday, February 27, 2011

Feeling better

We had a really good weekend. Brooklyn seemed to feel so much better. I don't know if it is just because she is off the steroids or because her stitches are out or what, but she is definitely feeling better. She is smiling and laughing more and it makes us so happy to see her that way. Saturday, she was up and walking around right away which thrilled me because I was worried about how she would feel after her surgery and everything on Friday. Mike and Braden went over to the park with our friends Mike and Jake to take some BP and practice some pitching & throwing and after they left, Brooklyn said, "Maybe me want to go to the park." I was so surprised b/c when I had asked her earlier in the day if she wanted to go, she said "No, probably still snow on the park." :) I got the other girls dressed really fast, and we got out of the house before she changed her mind. It was so awesome to be at the park all together in the beautiful sunshine & see her laughing and smiling. She didn't want to play on the playground, she just sat on the ball bucket and watched the boys hitting and fielding & ate sunflower seeds. It was great. Today she ran around and played with her brother and sister for a little while, but was a little more tired than yesterday. I am happy to report that we have moved on to watching movies besides Monsters Inc.! Yea! And soon I am hoping that she is feeling up to going out to play for longer periods of time. We go tomorrow morning at 8:00 for an eckocardiogram and then we meet with her Oncologist to get the preliminary results from her surgery and the road map for the next part of her treatment. It is so crazy to see how dramatically the drugs have affected her in just a month - she has gained 10 pounds and her hair is thinning so much. Mike and I were talking at dinner tonight and I said, I can't believe this is our reality now. I feel like we are adapting pretty well, but it is astonishing how different life can be from one month to the next. Our prayer for tomorrow is that the leukemia is mostly eliminated from her blood and that it is not in her spinal fluid and that the next treatment path will be easier for her. She slept through the night last night, so hopefully that will continue!! Sleepy nights and smiley days are such a great combo!


  1. So Great to hear! Praying for positive results!

  2. Dear Ones,

    We have all been thinking about you all weekend. We are all sending thoughts and prayers and rays of light and love to you and to God and all the angels in Heaven. It was exactly 8 am when I read your blog...because I wanted to check and see just where you were when I was writing this! And then, at that moment, Rachel called from college...I know I am "Kosmic Kate" at times, but I do believe that is an example, not a coincidence, of the chain of love! Your baby girl is loved and prayed for by so many...and Love is Infinite and Timeless. We are all praying for the best possible news so our Brookie can lighten up on the meds! Wow, she does look so different on the outside...but her Brooklyn spirit shines thru! Amazing smile, amazing human, amazing heart!

    This too, will pass... in ten years Brooklyn will be setting track or swimming or softball records! Mike will be beating guys away with a baseball bat! Brooklyn will be almost 13!

    Oh sheesh, just did the math and realized how old I will be in ten years time! :-)

    YAY for sleepy nights and smiley days! Love to all, Kathy

  3. Great news K!! My family and I continue to pray for you and yours. Thank you for keeping up with the blog. When you get time Kris, email me your home address, I would love to send Brooklyn a gift card to pick out a new movie to watch :-)


  4. So nice to see that Brooklyn is feeling better. (: That precious little girl! Great to see that you had some enjoyable time together at the park and watching Dad and brother Braden doing their Spring Training drills. Sitting on the ball bucket, eating sunflower seeds...just call her the "manager in-training" watching her team practicing. I have a feeling that Braden and his teammates will be having one terrific little cheerleader in Brooklyn! Maybe even the ballgirl someday?...

    Indeed, seeing your children, Brooklyn laughing and smiling is definitely a heart-warming part of the gift and blessing of children.

    Wishing you many, many more of those heart-warming times together on this journey.

    Praying that the preliminary results were positive and the journey for Brooklyn will be a little easier. Yes, and for more sleepy nights and smiley days as well!
