Monday, February 21, 2011

My Little Cheeto Pizzaball

We had a good weekend. It was nice that we had the extra day off today to just hang out together as a family. Mike and I got to go out to dinner by ourselves last night and it was so nice to just get out on our own for a little while. Brooklyn hasn't felt very good for most of the weekend. She mostly wants to lay on the couch & watch movies. One day we had a tea party with Kayla & one day we had a scavenger hunt in the house, but she gets tired after just a little while of walking around and wants to lay down again. She has just recently been hating her medicine more than ever. It tastes terrible, but she has always been so good at knowing that she has to take it & just choking it down. This weekend she cried more than usual and tried to run away each time she had to take it. It was so sad. The doctor said that the medicine she is on now could make her hair thin, but she probably won't lose it for a few more months. We really haven't noticed any difference with her hair until this weekend. Now, when she gets up from the couch, there is hair all over the pillow, or if we hold her, we get hair on our clothes. I haven't been too upset about it yet because it is something that I know is going to happen at some point, but it is just a reminder when we see the hair of the havoc the drugs and the cancer are causing her little body & that makes me sad. She has been so into pizza & cheetos lately, she has permanent orange fingers! Her face is so round and her belly seems stretched to the max - I compared it to my belly when I was pregnant - her belly button is pushed out so it's flat & the skin is so tight. We only have one more week of the steroids twice a day, so then hopefully she won't be waking up every night to eat and she will get back to looking like our little Brookie. We are so blessed to have our other kids around to keep us laughing through this process. We were cracking up at dinner tonight at Braden & Kayla, and Kelsey is the happiest & sweetest little baby ever. I know that Brooklyn can't wait to feel better so she can be up & running around making us laugh again too. I can't wait for that either.


  1. We are so sorry to hear that Brooklyn hasn't been feeling her best this weekend but we probably knew this was going to happen. That is what was so hard to believe when she was first diagnosed after seeing her running around with the kids at Brian's birthday party 10 days prior. But chubby is cute and even rotund is beautiful if it give Brookie's little body the strength it needs to fight this disease. As long as she keeps that twinkle in her eyes, that infectious smile, and fighter personality, she will beat this thing. God love her.. and bald is beautiful, too! Take lots of pictures.
    Love to you all. We know that it affects the whole family and will bring a special closeness to all of you.
    Love you all.
    Grandma and Grandpa
    (I have to post as anonymous as I don't know how to do otherwise! sorry)

  2. Grandma Diane, you said it all beautifully!

    Our arms are around you all, Kristin. Your family is surrounded by light and love!

    We are thinking of you all, and especially Brave Brookie, every minute.

    love, love, love to all, Kathy

    (Traci had to coach me so that I could figure out how to post a comment using my name!

  3. Always hard to see that Brooklyn had a bad day or weekend. But it is part of the journey including the horrible tasting medicine, hair thinning/falling out. But I agree with Grandma and Grandpa, Brooklyn is still just beautiful and cute as well as Braden, Kayla, and Kelsey.

    So nice that you and Mike were able to have a night out! (: Hope you were able to enjoy yourselves. Bless those who were able to watch the children so you could do this.

    Your "Cheeto Pizzaball" is with the permanent orange fingers is precious. Really can't eat cheetos without leaving its evidence on your fingers for sure. I can picture Brooklyn's fingers... (: Bless her little heart and orange fingers!
