Monday, March 28, 2011

Happy Days

We had a good weekend. It was rainy, but we liked playing Mr. Fox, Ring Around the Rosie, and Tag over and over and over again. We watched movies of course too! We were really excited to have Grandma and Grandpa come to town last night to stay with us for the week. The kids have been counting down the days and were so happy when they got here. We had a nice, relaxing day at home with Grandma and Grandpa today and enjoyed playing outside in the sunshine this afternoon! Our home nurse came over this morning to take Brooklyn's blood counts and we got the call this afternoon that they were good again! We can see that she is feeling good, but it is so good to have that confirmed and know that the chemo is working how it should be and that she is getting better and better each day.  It is funny because when our nurse was here this morning, I was asking her about what we can and can't do now. In my head, technically the leukemia is mostly gone, so I was wondering if we can do more stuff in public and around other people now. When we drove to church yesterday and Brooklyn had to stay in the car to go back home, she was crying and holding on to Mike and me because she wanted to go inside and be in her class and play with her friends. It was so sad. Wendi (our nurse) told me that Brooklyn's immune system is still weaker than it should be, so if she does get sick, she may be sick for longer than we would be, and if her counts were low then she could get really sick. I know that of course, but it is good to have a professional remind me. She does have Leukemia after all. It is just hard to remember that when I see her feeling so good every day but we still have to make sure that she isn't exposed to germs or put her in situations where she would likely get sick. I guess if you think about it, it is like anything else you do with your kids. You make them go to bed because you know they need rest, you don't let them eat candy all day long because you know they will get a tummy ache and it isn't healthy. Now, for Brooklyn, we just have to be extra cautious with exposing her to germs, even when she wants to go out and it is hard for us to say no - because we know it is the best thing for her. No one said parenting was easy right? But when you see those smiles and get those hugs & kisses, there is nothing else like it.


  1. Amen to that,if we knew how hard it was we wouldn't do it!

  2. I hear you! We have to love our kids so much, and with such strength, that we make them REALLY mad at us sometimes! "But Mom, everyone else gets to..."

    YAY for good blood counts and feeling good!
    YAY for Grammas and Grampas!

  3. Yes, sad at times when you have to say no and they cry. Even with her young age, Brooklyn will understand a little more when she understands why she wasn't able to go into her class, yet. Maybe it will soften things for her although patience will be challenged for now. That day will come and I can imagine the excitement and happiness for all of you.

    Love the continued good news on the blood counts and with Grandma and Grandpa here for the week, it's already a blessed and good week! Even blessed with sunshine too! Enjoy your week together! :)
