Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Unbelievable Patience

We had a nice day today. My good friend Lindsay came over and did my hair at the house and cut both Brooklyn's and Kayla's hair too. It was so thoughtful & generous of her & the girls loved having their hair done. Me too! Brooklyn didn't feel great today, but it was nice to be home all morning so I could comfort her. We went out in the crazy wind to get her heart monitor put on at the hospital. She still amazes me every day. The monitor is basically 7 or 8 stickers that are stuck on her chest with a wire attached to each one that is then plugged into this box that is a little bigger than a cell phone. It has a holder like the kind that you connect to your belt if you held your cell phone that way. She was so good while they were hooking her up and the rest of the afternoon. This poor little thing has a tube sticking out of her chest, she has to drink terrible medicine twice a day, her body aches and now she has cords all attached to her body, and she is still so patient and unquestioning. She is so sweet, and her trust in us during this whole process is incredible. She has to wear the monitor for 24 hours and then I can take it back to the hospital tomorrow. I am hoping that it shows that she has a low heart rate all of the time & there is no problem. Thank you for your continued prayers.


  1. Hey Girl~
    I missed you this morning at Mom Connection! But it was just a good reminder to pray for you guys. I'm thanking God for the blessing of patience he has given Brooklyn. What a sweet girl she is to put up with everything with such a good little attitude. Sending you much love and many prayers.

  2. As you and I mentioned on the phone Brooklyn is young enough she might not remember all she is going through. Maybe bits and pieces but her age will keep her from being fearful of things she might understand better down the road. I think her patience and calm can all be attributed to you and your husband. She sees her mommy and daddy trust the doctors and she sees you are calm. (Even if inside you feel like your emotions are on a roller coaster.) She sees you are ok so she knows SHE is OK.

    I believe with all my heart God is working miracles for her and for your family right now. I see them in so many things you've written and shared.

    Sending you continued love and prayers. Nichole AKA Frizzy

  3. Kristin, You are such a magnificent writer. Your titles are clever too! I have loved them all. I laugh and I cry with you. I can really feel all the love that is surrounding Brave Brooklyn and your family of six.

    What "Frizzy" says is true...Brooklyn is at peace in the pure knowledge that she is LOVED!

    I continue to marvel at the fact that we are all learning so much about faith and grace and love and patience and trust from this precious baby!

    The hungry teenage boy story just cracked me up! Making memories! : )

  4. I agree with Kate. You are a wonderful writer and have titled each day of Brooklyn's Journey with a clever title. Thanks for keeping all of us updated.

    Nice to see that you ladies and princesses were able to get pampered a little. Well deserved!

    It is always sad to see that Brooklyn did not feel well but know that is expected so she can get well. Please give her a HIGH FIVE for being such a brave little princess and putting up with all that she needs to endure.

    As Jesus so lamented to Jerusalem as He loved the city, people, children so much saying,..."how often I have longed to gather your children together, as a hen gathers her chicks under her wings,... as you do with your children, Kristin, you love and protect your children under your wings. So I am not surprised for the trust Brooklyn has, all your children have. So good job "MOMMY HEN" Kristin, and husband as well!

    Hope you are keeping yourself well also.
