Thursday, February 3, 2011

Bulkin' up

We have been learning more than we thought we would ever know about cancer, blood cells, & medications over the last week and a half. Research has shown that the best way to treat Leukemia is to hit it hard at the beginning. This kills off the majority of the cancer cells within the first month, and then the rest of the 2+ years of treatment is kind of like maintenance - to be sure that there aren't any cancer cells left lingering around the body. That is why the first month of treatment is so intense. The one chemo treatment we do at home is a steroid. Everyone has said that it could make her "bulk up" - get pudgy cheeks & a round belly and become a voracious eater. Today was the first time we saw a sign that this may happen with her. She woke up at 6:00am and wanted to come downstairs to eat. We kept her in bed until 7:00, but she ate 2 waffles with cream cheese, 1/2 a bagel and mac and cheese before 10:00am. :)  She actually didn't eat too much the rest of the day, but it was pretty cute to see her wanting to eat so much! We met our home health nurse today, and she is great. She walked us through what the process will be over the next few months and answered a lot of our questions. She also let Brookie help with drawing her blood and flushing her catheter which she was excited to do. Tomorrow is another big day - she needs to get platelets in the morning b/c her count is low and she is getting another round of chemo at 11:00am and then having a spinal tap at 1:00pm. The worst part is she isn't able to eat after midnight or drink after 8:30am. We're thinking this won't be easy considering how hungry she was this morning. I've never hoped one of my kids got up for a midnight snack, but I kind of want her to tonight so her tummy isn't so hungry in the morning! Thank you for continuing to pray for us.


  1. I pray everything goes well today with another does of chemo and spinal tap. I know it's not fun for her but I pray that she will bounce back quickly like it seems she has been. She is SO strong! I'm thinking of you constantly even tho I haven't been there to see you yet. Be on the lookout for some things in the mail in the meantime! Love you all so much! D

  2. Oh my goodness, I agree with everything Dariene said...I am thinking of you all are ALL so brave! And you are ALL surrounded by Light and Love. I just keep thinking about what a profound journey this is for magnificent sparkling Brookie...we are all learning from this precious baby! Love to you all! Kathy and gang

  3. One more thing: I put some stuff in the mail too!! You are banned from sending Thank You notes during this journey! You are Momma/Doctor/Nurse extraordinaire; your time is precious! XXOO Kathy

  4. Couldn't agree with Kathy more . . . you are totally banned from sending thank you notes!!!! You have way too many more important things to take care of! Thinking of all of you today, much love, Tracy

  5. Praying today goes smoothly for your beautiful baby, Brooklyn. Thinking of you Kristen and sending you lots of love and strength during your journey! xoxo Lisa (Milunovich) Aubrey

  6. Sending my love and prayers to you this morning and throughout the day.

  7. Hope all went well this morning. She will look cute with chubby cheeks! Thank you for this... it is great that we can all keep up w/ out you having to call a billion people each night = )

    ps- I need your new address... can't believe you moved and I didn't notice...although, it has been pretty quiet over here lately (hehehe)

    Love ya lots!

  8. Been "catching up" with your journey but am so happy that the days have been going well despite much to endure for Brooklyn and your family. Also, thank you for your posts as it is so inspiring to see how amazing Brooklyn's attitude has been. She is such an amazing young girl! Definitely keeping you all in prayer.
