Thursday, February 17, 2011

A Belated Valentine

I couldn't have received a better present for my heart on this Valentine's week than receiving a call from the Cardiologist yesterday. She said that she had just looked at Brooklyn's heart monitor results Tuesday night and that everything looked fine. I asked her a lot of questions, about what it is normally, if it falls within the acceptable range for her age, about how her heart reacted with being put under for her spinal tap, and she reassured me with each of my questions that her heart is healthy and will be fine. I am so happy! It was the best gift I could've ever gotten, although the flowers from my husband are nice too. :) We have been inside all day today, which is good since it is so cold and rainy outside. Brooklyn is constantly hungry & wanting to eat. Our home nurse came by to draw blood this morning and assured me again that this is what happens and that as soon as she is done with the steroids, she will go back to normal. It is starting to be hard seeing her with so much extra weight - it is harder for her to move around and she just looks so uncomfortable. She still has such a sweet spirit though. She will pat my back or my hand when I am laying next to her, and loves to help with flushing her lines on her Broviak every night. Mike usually tapes the caps after we are done & she loves to say - "Hey, we need the tape guy!" :)  Her strength and heart continue to amaze me every day.


  1. What wonderful news Kristin! Your family continues to be on our minds and in our prayers.
    Love, The Frankels

  2. Hi Kristin! I'm so glad that Brookie's heart looks good. That is a GREAT Valentine's gift! I'm so glad that you are writing this blog. I don't comment often because sometimes I just don't know what to write. I can't even begin to imagine what life is like for your family right now. I do read the blog daily and it helps to know more specifically how to pray for your family.I love all of the photos that you post of Brooklyn. She reminds me of you...still had a big huge smile and a great sense of humor no matter what the situation is :)

  3. Spectacular news! It's amazing how resilient kids are even with as something as terrible as cancer! And I think it's so amazing that she hasn't lost her sense of humor thru it all. It sounds like she's a tough cookie =)


  4. HI Honeybun, Tee heard it here first: I KNEW her heart was A-OK! I can understand that it is hard to see your girl so puffy from the steriods: it's a constant reminder that she is not well, and indeed that she is fighting a serious battle. It is a blessing that her ALL was caught before she felt sick or weak...but it also sort of feels like she was this happy, healthy, vibrant kid who all of a sudden got sick from all this medical intervention! Of course we know that is not true, and we are all so very very thankful for the incredible advances in medicine that have made this disease so highly CURABLE! Your Brookie is such a special spirit...actually ALL your kids are! We love them so much! I am thinking of Kayla right now and I am smiling from ear to ear...the Frank kids four are a precious brood indeed.

  5. This is wonderful news Kristin! So happy for you and I am sure you got a little piece of your torn heart back when you got that news. She is a strong little girl. Trust your home health nurse, she knows that Brooklyn will be back to herself after she is cured of all of this sickness and steroids. Cozy up tonight, it is a cold one out there!

  6. So happy for you and Brooklyn on the GREAT news of Brooklyn's heart! (: And on Valentine's Week no less.

    Glad you were able to get a lot of your questions answered and that your heart has been reassured as well. Happy for you.

    The good news made my week for sure. We are all pulling for Brooklyn and cheering her on.

    Aw, and patting your back and hand, yes, I agree, that Brooklyn has a SWEET SPIRIT for even her young age. So very sweet and sweeter than what any candy can offer.

    Keep up the good work Kristin and also for "the tape guy" Mike! (:

  7. Hi Kristin and Mike,

    Just wanted to say hi, it is 8 pm and I was thinking about you guys having to give the icky tasting medicine. Give Brookln a high 5 for me. I think and pray for you all constantly.

    Kristen L.

  8. I believe that Valentine's Day hearts will now always hold a very special and happy memory for you!

  9. Praising God for good news!
    Always thinking of you and lifting you up in prayer. :)

  10. What a special Valentine gift! I am so glad for you and for Brookie that her heart is healthy! Praise God for the encouraging news. We are continuing to pray and think about you. Blessings from the 5 Rutsches.
