Sunday, May 1, 2011

Let's Eat Cake

We had a fun and pretty mellow weekend. It was Kayla's birthday on Saturday so we had a relaxing morning with pancakes, bacon and eggs and presents! We went to the park for a little while and then my parents and aunt and uncle came over to celebrate. Kayla wanted to frost her own cake, so Brooklyn and I helped her mix everything together, but then she frosted it herself - such a big 5 year old!  The kids and Mike decided to go in the pool after we got home from the park, but I decided to be the towel holder again. :) It was still pretty cold and the girls' little jaws were shivering, but they were loving it. Brooklyn's favorite part was telling her dad to do a "twity whip" - a twisty flip - off the diving board. He did quite a few, and is actually a little sore today as a result! :) We had to change Brooklyn's dressing twice yesterday because she took a bath in the morning and then she went swimming in the afternoon. I am so glad that she is doing so well, and I would do anything to make things good for her, but the whole dressing change and flushing and medicine is a lot to remember. It is kind of exhausting. I am looking forward to this summer so much and having a pool that we can play in, but I know it will be a struggle with having to keep Brooklyn out of it or changing her dressing constantly to make sure she doesn't get an infection. When the time comes for her to not get chemo quite as often and blood tests less frequently, we can have her Broviak taken out and put a port in, which is completely under the skin, so that will be nice. She is still loving to wear underwear, but has had a few accidents when we have been out running around and it is harder to remember to go to the bathroom as often. We had a great weekend enjoying the sunshine, cake, and each other.


  1. Glad you had a nice weekend and Kayla's birthday!

  2. What a fun weekend. Glad Mike will get into that freezing cold water with them. Yikes!!!
