Thursday, May 19, 2011


Do you ever have those days or weeks where you just want to say "uncle"? And it's nothing against any of my uncles, because I've got some great ones, it's just an easy expression to use! :) You know - those times when you want to say, "No thank you, I've had enough for this week, please bring your craziness back next week."  We've had one of those weeks. Brooklyn did great Tuesday, she got an increased dose of chemo again, but handled it fine and has seemed to feel good the rest of the week so far; but...because we like to keep things interesting around here, my car broke down Tuesday afternoon. Now, there are several things I am thankful for. One, is that I made it all the way to the dealer and wasn't stuck on the side of the road in the rain, the second is that my wonderful mother had the 3 girls at home, so I only had Braden with me. (Although I did have to drop his friend off after school and at every stop sign when the car would barely start I told the boys they might have to get out and push so they would yell for the car to get going every time - it was pretty funny). I pulled in to the service area and rolled down the window and said, "My car is breaking." After sitting in the waiting room with Braden going over every scenario of how I could use Mike's or my parent's car the next couple days, nothing would work so I had to get a rental. The gal told me she had a mid-level sedan and I gently informed her that that wasn't going to work. I need a car that will fit 5 kids. Soooo, we are rollin' in the mini-van! Braden and I had to take out all the car seats and stuff from our car and transfer it to the minivan and I know the guys in the shop were just cracking up at us. I was so thankful to not have all the kids with me or it would've been much harder. When my mom got there with the girls, they were all so excited to have a van - kids are so funny! When the service guy finally called the next day to tell me it was the transmission and we probably needed a new one, I wasn't as happy. Uncle. I told him that I needed my car back by Friday, so I am hoping to pick it up tomorrow. Oh - and I forgot to mention that I thought I saw a snake coming out of my fireplace into my family room last week. Uncle!! As it turns out, I am pretty sure it was just a lizard, but I still have packing tape covering all of the grates on the fireplace. The idea of anything with scales sneaking around inside my house is not a fun thing for me. And, for some reason, Kayla has a fever again. She was fine all day yesterday and then last night it just hit her, and she had it today as well. It is stressing me out because I am excited for our whole family to go to Napa this weekend and if Kayla is sick, she probably shouldn't go, and if Brooklyn gets it, then one of us may not be able to go because we'll be in the hospital. Ugh! Uncle! But I also know we have so much to be thankful for. When we got home from the car fiasco the other night, the kids and I all started wrestling in the living room. It was hysterical because one of them would always be on top of me and the others would be trying to keep my down. We were all laughing so hard and it was one of those moments that made me so happy to have them all around me - even though they were totally beating me! We also had a fun afternoon yesterday. I went to get my hair done, and my friend Lindsay cut both Brooklyn and Kayla's hair too. They always get so excited to have their hair cut and sit in the big chair, it was so cute. I am also thankful that Braden is out of school tomorrow! I am excited for the summer and the fun things we will get to do all together. We don't have any big trips planned, but it will be so great to just be here and enjoy time off with no homework and no schedule. And hopefully the water will warm up in the pool! :) We are truly so blessed and I know that every day, there are just some days that add a little more excitement to your life than others.


  1. Uncle is right!

    I pray Kayla feels better soon and you are all able to avoid getting sick so you can escape and enjoy some time away.

    Reading about your tickle/dog pile fest sounded like so much fun and brought back memories from my childhood.

  2. Been in the UNCLE mode once or twice, but you my dear, are much more gracious than I ever remember being. Could be that you have such an amazing love- filled family around all of you. Thanks for sharing. Love to you all. Your AUNT xoxo

  3. Just catching up again and always nice to see Brooklyn doing well and did well on the stronger treatment. Sounds like a multi "Uncle" week, unfortunately...and hope it was a lizard. Help, UNCLE!!!1 But keep up the good attitude! Hope Kayla is better and that you are now in Napa enjoying yourselves this weekend. Nice to see that the car responded to the encouragement of Braden and his friend to keep going at each stop! Sounds like they didn't want to be pushing... Yep, funny stuff! :)

  4. Oh that's so awful about your car and Kayla's fever - "uncle" for sure! I hope this week goes much better!
